Ever felt "sick to your stomach" when you are worried?

Or "butterflies in your belly" when nervous or excited?

Our abdominal area is believed to be our emotional center of energy. 

By working on the belly with deep soft and gentle touch that trains internal organs to work more efficiently, all of the body systems are addressed; 

digestion, respiration lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, skeleton and energetic system.

This empowering Self Belly Massage Online Course will  give you a toolbox.

Filled with ancient, time proven yet simple techniques that you can do at home

 to detoxify your body and center yourself.

Check out the video below to get an impression of the course

Watch Intro Video


Center yourself.

These are unusual times where you can feel overwhelmed, emotional and isolated. 

While it might not be possible to change what’s happening in the world, 

it is still  possible to go deep within to expand your capacity to feel and release what no longer serves you. 

Strengthen your connection to yourself with this Self Belly Massage Course

~Connect to your Center~

so you can be more resilient and bounce back with renewed optimism.

What's inside:

  • Professional teachings

    Based on a decade of experience and training hundreds of Abdominal Massage Therapists.

  • Clear & easy instructions.

    Every technique is properly demonstrated in a separte Demo & Practice video so you will feel confident practicing.

  • Learn at your own pace

    Lifetime access to all videos and compatible on any device.

  • Superb Quality

    State-of-the-art video lessons for a ' front row' experience at home. Two camera's are used so you can see different angles and won't miss a thing.

Course curriculum

    1. introduction

    2. Valerie's story

    1. The gut your second brain

    2. Your Powerhouse

    3. Basic Anatomy

    1. Practicalities

    2. What is needed

    3. Overview

    1. Preparation

    2. The Wave Demo

    3. The wave Practice

    1. Navel Shaking Demo

    2. Navel Shaking Practice

    1. Detoxifying circles Demo

    2. Detoxifying Circles Practice

About this course

  • $337.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Be your own Healer

At the end of this course you will feel empowered & confident to give yourself a full 30 minute Abdominal Massage.


Head Teacher Valerie Parisi

Valerie’s life changed forever when she found this ancient abdominal healing massage. Following an operation, she developed post-traumatic stress syndrome. She tried many mainstream health services and began to feel like nothing was going to truly help her feel healthy and at peace. She decided to go on a worldwide search for a “cure” - and finally came across an Ancient Taoist Abdominal Massage. She felt the benefits of the practise immediately and soon she was almost completely free of her symptoms. The profound healing qualities she found in this Abdominal healing Art inspired her to make it her life mission to become a master at the practise and to share it with others. She studied with Abdominal massage masters across the world and helped to make similar life-changing-shifts in others with her private sessions. In 2012, after years of intense study and countless hours of private sessions - with nearly all her clients reporting ground-breaking life changes she opened her own school - training others to make an even bigger impact in the world. Her school, Tao Valley, has now trained over hundreds Chi Core Release practitioners. Valerie is also a practitioner of Pelvic Floor Bodywork, Angelic and Usui Reiki, Bio dynamic Cranio and Aqua Magic. She lives a passionate life and spreads her joy as an artist and author

Start your journey within now

You are invited to be deeply with yourself. Explore and release your blockages so you can experience life more fully.